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What is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

insurance adjuster checking damage on a vehicle

We know that the aftermath of a car accident can be daunting, and you need compensation to help with the expenses associated with your damages. As such, you may have numerous questions regarding the value of your claim and how much you can recover. Unfortunately, there’s no direct answer regarding how much you can recover without looking at your situation.

Numerous factors can go into determining how much you may recover. To maximize the compensation you may recover, you want to consider all factors, allowing you to recover everything you need moving forward.

Monetary Expenses

Your claim will consider the total amount of money you spent on medical expenses, property damage, and more. Your monetary expenses can include the following:

  • Surgical procedures
  • Ongoing treatment options
  • Prescription medication
  • Inpatient care

You can also consider the total cost of your property damage. For instance, if your vehicle is totaled, you want to consider the costs and estimates to replace your vehicle.

Loss of Income

In many situations, a car accident can cause significant injuries. These injuries can keep you out of work for weeks, months, or permanently. Missing work can cause you to lose out on income, even with bills mounting.

Your compensation may include loss of income from the time of your injury, as well as future lost earnings if you’re unable to work permanently.

Emotional Damages

Emotional damages are considered part of non-economic damages, which consider pain and suffering. Your emotional distress takes into account how much the accident has impacted your life, including loss of enjoyment and your loss of ability to do things you once loved.

No two cases are ever alike, and speaking with our Monroe car accident attorneys can give you a strong idea of your case’s value. Our team at Parker Alexander is here for you. Trust in us to be your voice against negligence and pursue compensation on your behalf.

Call us at (318) 625-6262 today.
