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What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

driver with alcohol

Because of Louisiana’s at-fault insurance system, it’s vital for you to recognize the various ways to prove liability. One of the factors in proving liability is causation, meaning showing that the negligence involved is what caused the accident to occur and led to your injuries.

On the road, there are some acts of negligence that are more common than others, and it’s vital to understand these causes so you can hold someone else accountable for their actions. Here are three of the most common causes of auto accidents.


One of the biggest problems on the road is speeding. There are speed limits for a reason, but so many people still drive much faster than legally allowed. When this happens, it makes it difficult to stop in time, make decisions, or otherwise drive carefully, and a severe crash may arise, leading to catastrophic harm.

Drunk Driving

When someone is intoxicated, it can impact their sensory, decision-making, and depth perception abilities. It’s easy to see how drunk driving can often lead to drivers swerving between lanes, speeding up and slowing down, and braking erratically, potentially causing a severe crash.

Distracted Driving

Even though most people know that it’s dangerous, distracted driving is a common problem on the road. There are multiple things that can cause a distraction, but they’re typically broken up into three main types of distractions:

  • Cognitive distractions that take a driver’s focus off the road
  • Visual distractions that take a driver’s eyes off the road
  • Manual distractions that take a driver’s hands off the steering wheel

Texting and driving is one of the most dangerous because it combines all three of the above.

At Parker Alexander, we know that there are numerous problems you may encounter on the road. If someone is negligent and causes you harm, our Monroe car accident attorneys are ready to advocate on your behalf to pursue the compensation and justice you need.

Call our firm today at (318) 625-6262.
