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Claims for Low-Impact Crashes and Latency Issues

man with a neck injury after a car accident

Far too often, individuals in car accidents don’t feel their pain immediately after a crash or feel as though they can’t pursue compensation for a low-impact crash. As a result, they don’t file a claim to obtain compensation. Before you assume that you’re unable to file a claim for a low-impact crash or that you are not injured, it’s vital to recognize your rights.

Minor injuries are compensable. You may even experience latency issues that prevent you from feeling your injuries immediately after they occur. Below, we’ll explain your rights and what you should do if you’re experiencing latency issues.

How Are Low-Impact Crashes Compensable?

Just because it feels like your crash was low impact doesn’t mean it always is. Even low-impact crashes can result in significant injuries, miss time from work, and experience property damage. If you suffer a low-impact crash, you shouldn’t discount how it can affect your life.

Still seek medical care and get a proper diagnosis. If you tell insurance adjusters or other parties that your crash was low impact, it could open the door for them to attempt to minimize how much compensation they will pay you.

What Are Latency Issues?

Latency issues can arise with various injuries. With this, you may not feel the impact of your injury immediately. It can take days or even weeks before the full effect of your injury is apparent, and that delay can impact your case.

If you have latency issues and wait to seek medical care, insurance adjusters may claim that you didn’t suffer injuries in the accident or that it stems from a pre-existing condition. They may try to claim that it wasn’t severe enough for compensation, and it can hurt your claim.

At Parker Alexander, we aim to keep your needs top priority. Our team will help you seek the compensation you need and deserve. Our Monroe car accident lawyers have earned a strong reputation in the area. For several decades, injured individuals have entrusted us with their best interests, and we want to give you a voice against negligence when you need it most.

Contact our firm today at (318) 625-6262 and learn more about your rights. Schedule your free consultation today!
