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Drunk Drivers and the Increased Dangers Around the Holidays

driver with alcohol

The holiday season is here, and that means celebrations aplenty. Unfortunately, several people celebrate with alcohol and don’t have the wherewithal to think about how they’re going to get home. Instead, many of these individuals decide to drink and drive. In the process, they put all others on the road at risk of severe harm.

It’s crucial to know about some of the problems that can arise and what you can do to stay as safe as possible. Keep in mind that these dangers exist for all holidays, not just those towards the end of the year. However, the upcoming holiday season is bunched together, meaning a steep increase in the number of drunk driving accidents.

If you suffer an injury in a drunk driving accident, we’ll be there to help you seek compensation. Call us today at (318) 625-6262.

The Numbers Increase

Memorial Day and Fourth of July are two of the most dangerous holidays for drunk driving. However, the two-month stretch from October 31st to New Year’s creates long-term dangers as more people are drinking and celebrating the many holidays within this time frame.

Here are some of the stats that you need to know about drunk driving accidents around the holiday season:

  • On the Halloween weekend, roughly 44% of all fatal accidents involved drivers or motorcyclists who had an illegal blood alcohol content level (over 0.08%).
  • During the four-day Thanksgiving weekend, roughly 29% of fatal accidents were the result of drunk drivers.
  • In the week from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, there are more than 300 fatal drunk driving crashes on average.

Many of these holidays involve late-night driving. Fatigue combined with intoxication can increase the dangers even further, putting all individuals at risk of devastating crashes and the injuries that come with them.

Staying Safe: What You Can Do

Driving on the road is a danger in itself when people speed, drive distracted, or are otherwise reckless. If you encounter someone you believe to be intoxicated, it’s vital to stay safe. Recognizing the signs of drunk driving and knowing what to do can help you stay safe.

Signs of drunk driving including:

  • Drivers who swerve between lanes.
  • Drivers who speed up suddenly and brake erratically.
  • Drivers who don’t use running lights or headlights at night.
  • Drivers who tailgate others and drive closely to others.
  • Drivers who don’t follow laws or drive on designated roads.

If you encounter a drunk driver on the road, you should make sure you stay alert. Never try to pass the driver as they may swerve into your lane and clip your vehicle. Use your hands-free device to contact local authorities and report the drunk driver. An officer can perform a traffic stop and assess the situation. Reporting the drunk driver can help prevent a severe accident.

Drunk and tired drivers often exhibit the same signs, so be sure to stay clear of anyone you believe to be negligent.

At Parker Alexander, we are here to protect your rights if you suffer an injury in a crash with a drunk driver. We want to provide you with the highest level of legal representation possible during challenging times. It’s our goal to help you safeguard your rights and hold negligent parties accountable after a severe accident so that you may recover the compensation you deserve.

Our Monroe car accident attorneys have recovered millions of dollars for injured individuals throughout the years. Our team has a tradition of providing excellence for decades, and we go above and beyond for you. Trust us to be your voice, and let us hold negligence accountable on your behalf.

Call our firm today at (318) 625-6262 for your free consultation, and discuss your case with our team.
