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How Dangerous Are Tired Drivers?

driver rubbing his eyes

Tired drivers are a lot more common than you may think. Even worse, they can be just as dangerous as other negligent drivers on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association initially believed tired driving was involved in roughly 2.2 to 2.6 of all crashes. However, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety did another study, estimating fatigue impacts roughly 9.5 to 10.8 percent of car crashes.

When someone is tired and they haven’t slept a normal number of hours, they can experience some of the same impairments as a drunk driver would. It is vital to recognize some of the signs of a distracted driver and your rights to pursue compensation if you suffer injuries in a crash.

Signs of Tired Drivers

When you are driving, you should pay close attention to the other drivers around you. Some drivers who are too tired will exhibit signs of their negligence. When you recognize any of these signs, it’s imperative to avoid the distracted driver to prevent a severe crash.

Here are some signs of tired driving to watch out for:

  • Swerving from one lane into another and back again
  • Stopping without another vehicle in front of them
  • Speeding up out of nowhere
  • Looking down or dozing off

Never try to pass a driver exhibiting these signs as it could lead to a severe crash.

What to Do if a Fatigued Driver Crashes Into You

If you suffer a crash with a potentially tired driver, it’s crucial to look for signs that can show their negligence. For instance, you may notice that the driver is constantly yawning as you try to get information from them. In any case, be sure to get a lawyer on your side so that you can have someone on your side to gather crucial evidence.

Our Monroe car accident attorneys at Parker Alexander work with you to hold negligence accountable. We aim to provide you with the highest level of legal representation when it matters most. We will stand by your side every step of the way.

Call us today at (318) 625-6262.
