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Severity of Brain Injuries

Guy on ground holding his head

Brain injury severity can vary greatly depending on the accident that causes the damage. However, the symptoms you experience as a result of the injury can last a lifetime, regardless of how severe. Even a concussion—labeled a mild brain injury—can impact your life. Below, we will help you understand the different levels of severity and how they diminish the quality of life.

Mild TBIs

As we mentioned, a mild traumatic brain injury is like a concussion. The physical symptoms often include nausea and a very brief loss of consciousness. You may experience vomiting or dizziness. In some cases, you might have memory loss stemming from the event that causes your brain damage.

Depending on the situation, a mild traumatic brain injury might cause long-term problems. However, symptoms typically disappear over time or with proper treatment.

Moderate TBIs

Moderate TBIs can have a much more serious impact on you. Typically, signs of brain trauma will show up on imaging and other tests. When you have a moderate TBI, you may lose consciousness for about a day and experience memory loss, balance and coordination issues, and more.

Severe TBIs

In the most severe cases of traumatic brain injuries, you can experience lifelong physical and mental disabilities. Brain injuries can result in a coma or ongoing seizures. In the worst-case scenarios, severe TBIs can lead to a vegetative or minimally conscious state. These symptoms can last a lifetime, even with treatment. Therapy is often necessary to manage the pain and symptoms associated with a severe TBI.

Our Monroe brain injury attorneys at Parker Alexander work hard for victims who suffer some of the most catastrophic injuries. We know how a brain injury can significantly diminish your quality of life. If you need someone to fight for your rights and pursue compensation for your losses, let our team give you the voice you deserve.

Call our firm today at (318) 625-6262 for a free consultation.