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Parker Alexander Scholarship Opportunity

Scholarship Opportunity

Attention students and parents, the submission period for the 2025 Parker Alexander Scholarship will open on New Year’s Day!

What is it?

This is a scholarship opportunity for high school seniors or college students who are legal residents of any of the 12 Northeast Louisiana parishes. The grand prize is a $2,500 scholarship and second prize is a $500 scholarship. Recipients may use the funds at any institution of higher learning (it’s not limited to only Northeast Louisiana schools).

Why is Parker Alexander offering this scholarship?

Parker Alexander attorney Chad Carter served in the U.S. Air Force for over 20 years. One of the U.S. Air Force core values is “Service Before Self.” We at Parker Alexander have implemented this core value into our law practice. We want to make Northeast Louisiana a safer place to live for all of us. There are over 700 traffic fatalities in Louisiana every year. We are asking our community’s bright young minds to give us ideas on how to get this number way down. That’s why feasibility is one of the assessment criteria. We want to see original ideas that actually have a chance to be implemented here in our local community.

How do you apply?

Entrants must submit an original essay with a proposal to improve traffic safety and/or reduce traffic accidents in Northeast Louisiana. Additional assessment criteria include persuasiveness, creativity, and originality. Submissions will be accepted through April 11, 2025. Full details are available on the ParkerAlexander website or by clicking on the “Scholarship Program” tab at the top of the page.
