How Can a Lawyer for Medical Malpractice Help?
A medical malpractice attorney is instrumental in navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding medical negligence claims. They advocate for the rights of individuals who have been injured due to medical error or negligence, helping them secure the compensation they deserve. These attorneys scrutinize medical records, consult with medical experts, and use their legal expertise to prove the existence of negligence and its harmful impact.
When you engage a medical malpractice attorney, you can expect them to offer the following services:
- Case Evaluation: The attorney conducts an initial review of your situation to establish if a valid claim exists.
- Evidence Collection: They gather and examine all pertinent medical records as well as any other evidence that can support your case.
- Expert Consultation: The attorney liaises with medical professionals to gain insights and expert opinions on the alleged negligence.
- Claim Filing: They prepare and file the medical malpractice claim on your behalf, adhering strictly to the legal requirements and timelines.
- Negotiation: The lawyer negotiates with the opposing party's insurance company for a fair settlement.
- Trial Representation: If a settlement cannot be reached, the attorney will present your case in court, arguing on your behalf for fair compensation.
- Post-trial Advocacy: Even after the trial, your attorney will be there to ensure you receive your settlement and to assist with any legal matters that may arise.
Who Can Be Held Responsible For Medical Malpractice?
Patients who suffer injuries due to medical malpractice may have questions regarding their rights to take legal action. Part of determining what options are available means knowing which parties can be held responsible.
The Doctor
The doctor who is looking after a patient may be considered liable in actions such as surgical errors, misdiagnosis, and prescribing the wrong medication. In these events, it is up to the doctor to ensure they are providing proper care to their patients. When something goes wrong, it can be the doctor who is liable for all damages associated with the malpractice.
An Anesthesiologist
Anesthesia is necessary for certain procedures as it helps patients get through them without feeling any of the initial pain. The anesthesiologist can be negligent if they fail to provide enough of the medicine, allowing the patient to feel the pain of the procedure. In other situations, an anesthesiologist can be negligent by providing excessive amounts of the medication or by not checking to see how the anesthesia would react with medications the patient is currently taking.
The Hospital
There are times when the hospital or medical facility can be considered responsible when someone on their staff performs an act of negligence. This typically occurs when the medical facility fails to perform a proper background check on a physician, or if they fail to terminate someone with multiple reports of negligence. They know of an issue that can cause harm, yet they do nothing to fix said problem.

What Sets Us Apart?
Helping Injured Clients Obtain Compensation
In medical malpractice cases, there are numerous wrongs that our clients could be facing.
If you are a victim of any of the following conditions, now is the time to act:
- Failure to properly treat an existing or known condition
- Nursing home malpractice and abuse
- Birth injuries sustained to mother, child or both
- Wrongful treatment and medication errors
- Emergency room errors
- Hospital negligence
- Surgical procedure mistakes
- Anesthesia mistakes
- Brain injuries caused by misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis
Medical malpractices cases require swift action—many states have specific time frames in which a medical malpractice case can be brought about to a court.
With the assistance of an attorney, you could recover compensation for the complications you are facing. Act now and contact our Louisiana personal injury firm today!
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